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8 Days Mt. Kenya Trek/Aberdares & Naivasha

Day 1 -Nairobi/Mt. Kenya
Depart Nairobi in the morning and depart towards Mt Kenya to arrive in time for lunch. This day is an acclimatization day. After setting up camp you spend the afternoon at leisure; optional activities include walk to Maumau Caves with a guide, horse riding and boating offered at the Bantu lodge. Dinner and overnight back at the campsite.

Day 2 -Mountain Rock/Old Moses (3300m)
Mount Kenya
A short drive in the morning will take us to the Sirimon Park gate (2600m) to begin our acclimatization walk in the tropical woodlands (4- 5 hours) to Old Moses camp which will be our base for the night. Night at Old Moses Camp.

Day 3 -Old Moses – Shipton’s Camp
Break camp and after breakfast begin the trek through the moorkands via Mackinders Valley, enjoying the spectacular views amongst the mountain vegetation consisting of giant lobelia and groundsel, with a brief stopover for lunch.  You  arrive at Shipton’s camp where we set up for dinner and overnight (4,200m)- 7/8 hrs.

Day 4 -Point Lenana then Metrological Station Banda’s:
Pre-dawn attempt of the summit starts at 0300hrs and you hike for about 3 hours up steep scree slopes and across rugged rocks up to Pt. Lenana (4985m), the hikers’ summit. The views from the summit are stunning and o­n a very clear day, you should be able to see Kilimanjaro in the south. You then descend down to the Meteorological Station (approx 7 hrs walk) for dinner and overnight at the Meteorological Station Bandas

Day 5 -Met – Aberdares
After breakfast, you descend early in the morning to Naromoru Park gate where you join your safari vehicle and drive to the slopes of Aberdaresarriving in time for lunch, followed by optional activities such as nature walk and horse riding. Dinner and overnight at SandaiFarm Campsite.

Day 6 -Aberdare
After breakfast, you depart with packed lunches for a day trip to the Aberdare National park. Returning to the campsite for dinner and overnight.

Day 7 -Aberdares/Naivasha
After breakfast, you depart for Naivasha to arrive in time for lunch at the campsite, followed by an afternoon game drive at the Crescent Island Conservancy, whose terrain is flat, making it easy for walkers of all abilities to enjoy themselves. There is a lot of easy to see game e.g. giraffes, waterbucks, elands, wildebeests, zebras and impalas. It is also a heaven for birds with +200 species recorded. You may enjoy an (option) boat ride at the lake to view the Hippos and the birds.
Dinner and overnight at Fish Eagle campsite.

Day 8 -Naivasha/Nairobi
After breakfast, you depart for The Hell’s Gate National park, one of Kenya’s smaller national parks, which can be explored on foot or hire bicycles and ride amid gracefully grazing gazelles and the larger antelopes is a delightful experience. Thereafter, you return to Nairobi for drop off at your hotel.